In Past of times, to Read the image from the 'cap' class and not real-time read will cause read the past image. To solve this, all you need to do is change the size of imgae b…
前言 众所周知的,3DFDM(熔融沉积)打印技术在一开始就是从DIY而来的。 最早的开源3D打印机,达尔文结构,距今已经20多年了。 随着时代发展,更多的新技术,新结构,新固件不断产生,也有很多东西开始被淘汰。 极坐标3D打印机,已经被完全地淘汰了,这玩意真的垃圾 终于开始出现了商品机,也就是从开源社区中来,魔改一下marlin固件,然后把3D打印…
蛇喰梦子 cn:藤子 爱德华 cn:?(没问 天城雪子 cn:也没问 O / O 不认识 但是我觉得拍的太好了
Before the start For some stupid race, I have to detect the zebra crossing without deep learning. The base method is cut and Adapter Threshold the image. After that, do the ed…
Before the start To remake the wonderful sound form the subway VVVF driver, I made it my self one. But in this monument I cant driver a real 380v AC motor, so I use a Brushles…
前言 因为讯飞车换了主控,所以需要重新部署一下模型在RK3588上面,写来给学弟们以后用。 顺便一提,这个板子真他妈恶心啊我操。 部署分为三个部分,训练,转换与推理,我们一步一步来。 训练 选择你的版本 因为很多神秘的原因,我们不得不使用某一特定版本输出的权重文件才能够在最后一步推理的时候成功,所以这一步至关重要,需要这个仓库的内容。 airock…
Before the start The purpose of doing this is finish the 19th Xun Fei smart car track line following part job. The approach to accomplish this involves resizing and cropping t…
Before the Start There are some reasons for me to do that Most importantly, to improve my poor English skills for the CET-6 exam. Simplified Chinese posts' quality and communi…
前言 本来想做强化学习小车,但是技术栈似乎飞了,所以还是一步一步来嘛。 Part 1 Code import copy import random import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class OoxxMachine: def __init__(self): self.race = [&…